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Hank Williams | funeral

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The funeral on January 4, 1953 in Montgomery AL drew a large crowd. An estimated crowd between 15000 and 20000 stood outside the Municipal Auditorium, 2750 were inside.The largest crowd there ever has been in Montgomery. In the south of America people sat mesmerised in front of their radio to listen to the final sermon. The service was held by Dr.Lyon and the Drifting Cowboys stood by in a guard of honour. They also played during the service. Ernest Tubb sang "beyond the sunset" and Roy Acuff sang "I saw the light". Many Opry stars had come to pay him their posthumous respect. The Southwind Singers, a black quartet, sang "My record will be there". Red Foley and the Southwind Singers sang "There will be peace in the valley". The last song performed during the service was "Precious Memories" sung by the Statesman Quartet.


Hank Williams funeral